Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Forever Ink - Art Inspired by Ink

A bit ashamed of this as really should have posted a blog on this prior to the event to give it some publicity!! Oh well hopefully it will happen again and I can give you pre notice.

This was basically an event to allow local artist to show case their talents but was much more than a boring art exhibition, For a start all the art was tattoo inspired and the majority (all??) the artists were tattooists.

As to be expected, given these people earn a living making permanent pieces of art on bodies, the quality of the art was excellent. Lots of different styles which would appeal to people with different tastes.

In addition there was a load of other stuff including Burlesque performers, a Hula Hooper, live band, cake stall and jewellery stall and not forgetting free drink and sweets!!!

It was held at the Custard Factory in Birmingham and the place was absolutely rammed! Which is even more impressive given it was held on a Sunday night!!!!

More details on their face book page so take a look!/event.php?eid=183153635059424

Really great event which attracted a wide variety of people and I'm definitely looking forward to attending any future events

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