Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The Sharks "Joy of Living 2008-10" CD review

This CD is effectively a release of all their previous EPs to date. The format is two new songs and then each of the EPs in reverse chronological order.

Okay lets get this out of the way first - in terms of influences, this band don't only where their hearts on their sleeve they also have a t-shirt and denim jacket with a back patch saying "The Clash" all over them. Now in my opinion there are far worst bands to be influenced by and if it can encourage a new generation of fans to enjoy this style of music I am all for it.

There are numerous "clashesque" straight forward rockers on this CD including "Three Houses", "Capital Youth" and "It threatens". Special mention must also go to one of the new songs "Joys of living" where like the Clash this builds in the sounds of ska (and why not given Leamingtons closeness to the home of Ska!)

However it is too easy and unfair to regard this band as just clones. The song quality alone takes them well above that. This is clearly demonstrated by the other new song "Sweet Harness" which really shows how the band has developed over the past couple of years. This is a great rock song with a huge melody and suggests they picked up a few tips when supporting the Gaslight Anthem. This knack for melody beneath the punk rock is what will make them big and is shown on other songs such as "Common ground" and "it all relates" (love the woo hoo backing vocals!)

There is also a good change of pace with the song " Yours to Fear" which is slower and has a real big drum sound to it. I can imagine loads of American labels hearing this and thinking we could give it a huge production and turn it to "a hit". This however will be missing the whole point of the band because what makes them so good is the rawness and the passion in the music

Quick mention of the lead singers voice which I really love and its style is demonstrated on the holler out opening to "Trains". Its a classic punk rock voice which initially leaves you questioning if its good or not. The fact is that it is full of passion and really gets you in to the songs.

Overall this is a fantastic CD and just leaves you desperately awaiting new material and the debut full CD. The best summary of where this band is going is I live in their home town but had to order the CD from the States - this band is going somewhere and fast!

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